Stay RM. The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Stat! Journal of the American College of Radiology, in press.
Stay RM, vanSonnenberg E, Goodacre BW, Ozkan OS, Wittich GR. Removal of a trapped endoscopic
catheter from the gallbladder via percutaneous transhepatic cholecystostomy: technical innovation. Cardiovascular & Interventional Radiology. 29(6):1097-9, 2006 Nov-Dec.
Shankar S, Dundamadappa SK, Karam AR, Stay RM, vanSonnenberg E. Imaging of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Before and After Imatinib Mesylate Therapy. Acta Radiologica 50(8):837-844, 2009
Associate Editor, Microbiology Recall, 2004, review book for medical students.
Presented at the Society of Gastrointestinal Radiology (SGR) 2010 Annual meeting:
The Use of a Magnetization Prepared Gradient Echo (MPGRE) Sequence in Diagnosing Acute Pancreatitis. Stay RM, Altes TA, Mugler P, de Lange EE.
Presented at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2007 Annual meeting:
The Occurrence of Ventilation Defects in the Lungs of Healthy Subjects as Demonstrated by Hyperpolarized Helium-3 MR Imaging.Choudhri AF, Altes TA, Stay RM, Mugler P, de Lange EE.
Presented at the RSNA 2002 Annual meeting:
CT Features of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Following Treatment with STI-571. Shankar S, Stay RM, vanSonnenberg E, DiPiro PJ, Janicek MJ, Isreal D, Manzanero P, Demetri GD.
Educational exhibit for Association of University Radiologists (AUR) 2009 Annual meeting:
Stay RM, Lambert DL. What Is the Best Imaging Test for Crohn’s disease? Take a Quiz Based on the American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria® for Gastrointestinal Imaging (electronic exhibit).
Educational exhibit for the American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) 2009 Annual meeting:
Stay RM, Sarti M. Ride the Wave–Doppler Ultrasound Waveforms and their Essential Role in the Evaluation of the Abdominal Vasculature (electronic exhibit).
Educational exhibits for the Society of Pediatric Radiologists (SPR) 2009 Annual meeting:
Stay RM, Raghavan P. Beware of the Tick Bite–a Case of Lyme Meningitis in a 5 year old Boy Causing Diffuse Cranial Neuropathy (poster).
Stay RM, Matsumoto JA. What is the Best Imaging Test for Childhood Seizures? Take an Interactive Quiz Based on the American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria® for Pediatric Imaging (computer program exhibit).
Educational exhibits for the RSNA 2008 Annual meeting:
Stay RM, Whitehead M, Raghavan P. What Is the Best Imaging Test for the Emergency Room Patient with a Headache? Take a Quiz Based on the American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria® for Neurologic Imaging (electronic exhibit).
Stay RM, Choudhri AF, Norton PT. Take it to Heart: Cardiac Findings Seen in Routine Body CT Imaging with Advanced Cardiac Imaging Correlation (electronic exhibit).
Educational Exhibits for the ARRS 2008 Annual meeting:
Stay RM, Norton PT, Hoyer AW. Cardiac MR for Newborns with Congenital Heart
Disease: The Essentials.
Stay RM, Williamson BR. Is that Cancer? No—Take the Interactive Quiz on Identifying Nonmalignant Uptake in Traditional Nuclear Medicine
Stay RM, Lambert DL. The Many Faces of Radiology—Seeing Human Faces in Non-facial Imaging and what it can Teach us about Image Manipulation
Educational exhibits for the RSNA 2007 Annual meeting:
Stay RM, Choudhri AF, Gaskin CM. Don’t Get Lost in the Fog: Take the Interactive Quiz on Identifying MSK MR Sequences (computer program exhibit).
Stay RM, Choudhri AF, McIlhenny J. A Visit to the NICU: A Review of the Correct Positioning
of Neonatal Lines and Tubes and What Can Go Wrong (poster).
Stay RM, Choudhri AF, Meuse MA, Lambert DL. Pneumatosis Intestinalis: Expanding the
Differential beyond Ischemia (electronic exhibit).
Educational exhibit for the RSNA 2006 Annual meeting:
Stay RM, Shah L, Jensen ME. Cavernous Carotid Fistula: Review of Presentation, Imaging
Findings, and Treatment (poster).